Friday, January 15, 2021

"In Your Living Room (IYLR) is an on-going project founded in 2012 by students of the Royal Academy of Fine Art that offers a platform for artists to present their work outside of the usual white cube. Artists from every discipline and approach are welcome to experiment outside of the institution while reaching a wide audience. IYLR's fast-paced and frequent exhibitions allow space to play, to succeed and to fail.

This book gives you an insight into four years of In Your Living Room."

Artists involved: Malyssa ten Hove / Yair Callender / Teun Verheij / Hanae Wilke / Paul de Jong / Vicky Kooman / Simon Oosterhuis / Leslie Nagel / Amber Oskam / Aura Rendón Benger / Louis van Iterson / Federico Bartelsman / Silben de Jonge / Isabel Cavenecia / Lies de Rooij / Eric Peter / Il Ma / Helena Trijns / Mirthe Kluck / Alexandra Martens / Laura de Jong / Gilles de Brock / Bauwien Ubbens / Jerome Cornevin / Jip and the Hipsters / Dust Bowl Drifters / Alina Valentina / The Sleepover / Mr. Stopknop / Pigbread / Sisters / Alex Mc Ewan / Cult of the Secret Samurai / Puck Schot / Anthony Blokdijk / Tobias Lengkeek / Bernice Nauta / Winnie Plas / Kim David Bots / Thomas van Rijs / Wouter Willebrands / Vincent Both / Iliada Charalambous / Zeno Beikircher / Sabina Lucia Menotti / Gitte Hendrix / Kayenedd Poms / Vina Venitas / D.A.J. Bowen / Samara Mitri / Mathilde Chavanne / Martin Lundberg / Oscar Sandberg / Alex Andropoulos / Boris Otomo / Sis Josip / IYLR Production / Ugo Tonneijk / Kalbrun Iilja Tortadottir / Adam Uriel / Maarten Boekweit / Reynir Por / Bas de Boer / Steef Crombach / Badriah Suzanna Hamelink / Xavier van Wersch / Jan Wattjes / Marijke Everts //

Paperback (170mm x 240mm), 174 pages
Design by Tobias Lengkeek
'Four Years In Your Living Room' costs Eu 18,76 (postage not included)
Contact / order anthonyblokdijk [at] hotmail dot com

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